Działania heretyckie Jana Pawła II:
Biskup Donald Sanborn przedstawia szereg konkretnych działań Jana Pawła II, które autor uznaje za godne potępienia i szkodliwe dla Kościoła Katolickiego. Oto niektóre z nich:
W sferze relacji z innymi religiami:
- Publiczne ucałowanie Koranu, księgi świętej islamu, która neguje boskość Chrystusa i Jego śmierć na krzyżu. [1]
- Usunięcie krucyfiksu z ołtarza i zastąpienie go złotym posągiem Buddy, a także pozwolenie mnichom buddyjskim na intronizację tego posągu podczas spotkania w Asyżu w 1986 roku. [1]
- Pochwała voodoo, które autor uważa za kult demonów i węży. [1]
- Pozwolenie kapłanom Zoroastrian na odprawianie rytuału z ogniem w Asyżu. Autor uważa to za formę bałwochwalstwa, sprzeczną z wiarą katolicką. [2]
- Udział w pogańskiej ceremonii na Fidżi i przyjęcie znaku Shivy (hinduskiego boga zniszczenia) na czole. [3]
- Wielokrotne zezwalanie heretykom i schizmatykom na odprawianie ich obrządków w kościołach katolickich oraz udzielanie błogosławieństw wiernym. [3]
- Stwierdzenie, że muzułmanie, chrześcijanie i żydzi czczą tego samego Boga, co autor uznaje za bluźnierstwo. [2]
- Nazywanie żydów „starszymi braćmi w wierze” i zatwierdzenie watykańskiego dokumentu stwierdzającego, że oczekiwanie Mesjasza przez Żydów nie jest daremne. [2]
- Zezwolenie amerykańskim biskupom na twierdzenie, że nie należy nawracać Żydów, ponieważ mają oni swój własny przymierze z Bogiem. [2]
W sferze doktryny i liturgii:
- Uznanie za ważną mszy nestoriańskich heretyków w Iraku, w której nie ma słów konsekracji. [2]
- Zezwolenie katolikom kalwińskim na uczestnictwo w heretyckich nabożeństwach w celu wypełnienia obowiązku niedzielnego. [2]
- Stwierdzenie, że w piekle nie ma ognia. [2]
- Beatyfikacja Matki Teresy, która zdaniem autora nie dążyła do nawracania Hindusów na wiarę katolicką, a jedynie zachęcała ich do bycia dobrymi Hindusami. [2]
- Promulgacja dokumentu „dotyczącego komunii”, w którym sekty heretyckie i schizmatyckie są nazywane „Kościołami partykularnymi” należącymi do Kościoła Chrystusowego, co autor uważa za sprzeczne z dogmatem o jedynym, prawdziwym Kościele. [2]
- Stwierdzenie, że w „Kościołach partykularnych” znajdują się wszystkie „istotne elementy jednego, świętego, katolickiego i apostolskiego Kościoła”, co autor uznaje za zaprzeczenie nauczania Kościoła i Credo. [2]
- Stwierdzenie w luterańskim kościele w Rzymie, że cuda Chrystusa nie dowodzą Jego mesjańskiej godności, co autor uważa za sprzeczne z nauczaniem Soboru Watykańskiego I. [3]
- Wielokrotne zatwierdzanie herezji Soboru Watykańskiego II, a zwłaszcza tych dotyczących Kościoła i wolności religijnej. [3]
- Wykorzystanie osiemnastoletniej, półnagiej studentki do czytania listu podczas mszy w Nowej Gwinei. [3]
- Przekazanie krzyża piersiowego biskupom anglikańskim i pozwolenie kardynałowi Kasperowi na stwierdzenie, że „Apostolicae Curae” (dokument Leona XIII uznający święcenia anglikańskie za nieważne) musi zostać ponownie oceniony. [3, 4]
- Promulgacja nowego Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego, który zawiera herezję Soboru Watykańskiego II dotyczącą Kościoła i aprobuje udzielanie Komunii Świętej niekatolikom oraz aktywny udział katolików w nabożeństwach innych religii. [3]
W sferze ogólnego stanu Kościoła:
- Ogólne odejście od ortodoksji po Soborze Watykańskim II. [5]
- Powszechne stosowanie antykoncepcji przez katolików. [5]
- Skandale z udziałem księży. [5]
- Kryzys powołań zakonnych i odejście sióstr zakonnych od wiary. [5]
- Panowanie herezji w katolickich instytucjach edukacyjnych. [5]
- Zniszczenie liturgii przez reformy wprowadzone po Soborze Watykańskim II. [5]
- Nominowanie i utrzymywanie na stanowiskach heretyckich i skandalicznych biskupów. [5]
Autor obwinia Jana Pawła II za wszystkie te negatywne zjawiska, uznając je za konsekwencję jego heretyckich poglądów i działań.
JP II 25 Years of Heresy And Destruction Bp Sanborn
in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen I’m sure this week you have seen in various news reports the celebration of John Paul the second 25 years and I just feel that it is my duty to point out to you the true side of his 25 years of attempting to be the Pope and so that you do not lose sight of what this man is and what he has done to the Catholic Church it is very easy to be taken in by the strong elements of propaganda in the news and to have your mind be led into some thought that this is a great man they are praising him for the sole reason that he has abandoned the Catholic faith they praised him for his accuse him forgetting everyone together and for other purely humanistic motives they never praised him for upholding the Catholic faith in fact if ever he does anything that smacks of upholding the Catholic faith he is immediately criticized by these same people but I just want to review his 25 years briefly and have you consider the state of the church in these past 25 years let us look at his heretical statements and practices the kissing of the Koran publicly and solemnly a book which denies the divinity of Christ and the fact that he died on the cross the removal of a crucifix from an author and the replacing it with a golden statue of Buddha and the in sensation of the said statue by Buddhist monks which act he permitted under his own eyes in Assisi in 1986 the praise of Voodoo which he himself did buddhu which is the worship of demons and the worship of snakes the praise of Martin Luther the man who said that our Lord Jesus Christ committed adultery three times calling him a deeply spiritual man the praise for the joint declaration on justification with the Lutheran’s the document signed with this heretical sect which blatantly denies the teaching of the Council of Trent on justification the declaring that non Catholic religions are means of salvation which is directly contrary to the Catholic dogma that the Catholic Church the outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and this he said in an official document where he said that children should be taught that catholic religions are means of salvation the promulgation of the ecumenical directory which permits abominable acts of communication and sacred things with heretics and cymatics it permits for example Catholics to go before Lutheran ministers and be married and it permits the giving of Holy Communion to non Catholics permitting that Zoroastrian priests worshipped fire at Assisi this was about two years ago this worship of fire is the oldest form of idolatry and it is the very reason why God called Abraham out of or in the Old Testament in order to found upon him the true faith to remove him from that very idolatry and he purposely permitted that idolatry to be done at Assisi the beatification of mother Teresa who did not strive to convert Hindus to the faith but rather encourage them to be good Hindus and that’s recorded in Time magazine the promulgation of the document concerning communion in which a reticle and his medical sector are referred to as particular churches which belong to the Church of Christ and in which to quote all the essential elements of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of the Creed are found which is directly contrary to the teaching of the church the Creed itself which is that we believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and the church has always understood that to mean the Roman Catholic Church and no other Church and so he has destroyed the fairy belief that we have concerning the nature of the church itself the approval as valid of a mass of net Nestorian heretics in Iraq with no words of consecration with the permission to Calvin Catholics that in case of necessity they attend this heretical and his mattock service in order to fulfill their Sunday obligation imagine a mass with no words of consecration saying that there is no fire in hell calling Jews our big brothers in the faith and the approval of a Vatican document which states that the Jews expectation of the Messiah is not in vain and permitting American bishops to say that we should not attempt to convert the Jews because they have their own covenant with God which is a blasphemy saying that Muslims Christians and Jews all worship the same God even though they Jews and Moslems deny that our Lord Jesus Christ is God drinking a ritual potion part of a pagan ceremony in the Fiji Islands permitting himself to be marked by the sign of Shiva the cow-dung symbol on the forehead Shiva who is the Hindu god of destruction permitting innumerable times that heretics and cymatics perform their rights in Catholic churches and permitting them to give blessings to the congregation people who are no more priests in certain cases than your mailman declaring that non Catholic religions have apostolic missions some mission from God descending from the apostles to themselves even though they are susannah DEQ’s and heretics the promulgation of the new code of canon law which contains the vatican ii heresy concerning the church and which approves of the sacrilege of giving holy communion to non Catholics and of the mortal sin that catholics actively participate in the worship of non Catholics saying in a Lutheran Church in Rome that the miracles of Christ do not prove his messianic dignity which is directly contrary to the teaching of the Vatican Council in 1870 repeated approval of the heresies of vatican ii particularly that concerning the church and that concerning religious liberty the use of a bare-breasted eighteen-year-old American college female student to read the epistle in a mass in New Guinea the giving of the pectoral cross to Anglican bishops and permitting Cardinal Kasper to tell them that a fast o leech a cure a must be reevaluated and let me explain that after Stoli chekere was the document of leo xiii in 1899 whereby he said that anglican orders are invalid and that this question can never be brought up again that this is the final decision concerning it that they are null and void that the Anglican bishops and priests are merely laymen they have no valid orders like the Greek Orthodox do but they are merely lay people and this void wha has given them only in the beginning of this month pectoral crosses the pectoral cross is a sign of a mission as efficient when you are consecrated to Bishop part of the ceremony is to hand over to the bishop and to place on him the pectoral cross and this is the same pectoral cross that he gave to the Catholic Bishops on the occasion of his 25 years n at the same time during the early part of this month he permitted as ceremony in the church of santa maria sopra minerva in rome whereby a an anglican bishop was installed as a representative to the Holy See and during this ceremony the Anglican bishop gave his blessing to the people and this is the very same church in which the Rosary processions were organized by st. Pius v in 1571 for the defeat of the Turks in Lepanto and it is the very church in which the arms the coat of arms of Saint Pius v are on the front the very same church were under the high altar st. Catherine of Siena rests and st. Victoria on a side altar and the remains of Pope Paul the fourth in this church is where Anglicans have been permitted Anglican and Anglican bishop who was nothing else than a layman running around in a costume of a bishop to give a blessing and to receive a pectoral cross as if he were something legitimate n as well cattle Cardinal Kasper said in London in August to a group of Anglican bishops that apostolic shekere has to be reevaluated do you know what that means that the next thing on the list is that the Anglicans will be considered valid the first step to accepting these people now understand who these Anglicans are these are the Anglicans who just recently in the news can’t figure out from their own bibles that sodomy is a sin they cannot open the Bible and read it and figure out that sodomy is a sin these are the Anglicans who have women priests and these are the people getting pectoral crosses from this heretic who inhabits the Vatican and Cardinal Murphy O’Connor who is in charge of relations with the Anglicans said that this gesture of giving the petrol cross is as he says in a way that’s hard to define define means that the Catholic Church has already passed beyond the position of a postal ichika ray and these things are knowingly and willingly permitted by this man who claims to be the head of Catholicism and add to all of these things the general condition of the church look around at the church since vatican ii for we must add the 25 to the 25 years of this man the 15 years of Montini the five years of Roncalli 40 years look around consider the condition of the church in it since Vatican to the general abandonment of Orthodoxy the fact that most Catholics use artificial birth control and believe that it is perfectly all right and the percentages are in the 880 percentile 80th percentile look at the condition of the priests their crimes are so unspeakable we cannot even mention them from the pulpit they have sunken into such dirt and filth consider the the condition of the nuns how they are for abortion how they are feminists they are unrecognizable as nuns completely destroyed with regard to their faith and with regard to their piety completely opposite from what they should be and what they were before the council consider the state of Catholic education in which heresy reigns whether it should be the seminaries whether it should be the Catholic universities whether it should be the Catholic schools the high schools and grammar schools the reign of heresy all of the ecumenical acts which I just described being repeated on a local and small level in all of these institutions where immorality reigns for example in Catholic seminaries and in Catholic universities of the grossest form just think of all of that put that all together in your mind of what Vatican’s who has given us consider the state of the Sacred Liturgy what what Vatican’s who has done to the liturgy the awful awful thing that you see if you merely go to someone’s funeral or to someone’s wedding and the heretical and scandalous bishops who appointed them who maintains them who keeps them going and those of you who have ever worked for a large company like Ford or General Motors or Chrysler you would know that if they put out a new product that caused so much destruction as Vatican 2 has caused to the church if they suffered so much economic loss as Vatican 2 has caused for the church as regard to faith and morals the people responsible for that new product would be fired they would have to leave the company and find a new job but we see these bishops again and again and again and again appointed to be leaders of the flock leading the Sheep into the mouths of wolves and again they are appointed they are praised they go to Rome and they receive honors and even though they have presided over these priests who have prayed upon the young people these bishops are maintained in existence and bring down upon the church scandal upon scandal upon scandal that is the 25 years of yty and we may not understand why God permits this but we do understand our Catholic duty the Catholic duty that we received at baptism and at our confirmation and that is to give this heretic vojta wat and those whom he has appointed the full measure of Catholic resistance to heresy that the church has always shown to heretics throughout her glorious history in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen