Kłamstwa Ratzingera – kazanie ks. Michaela DeSaye

Kłamstwa Ratzingera

Drodzy Wierni,

Przyjrzyjmy się historii Mszy Świętej oraz roli, jaką odegrał Joseph Ratzinger, znany później jako Benedykt XVI, w procesie wprowadzania i usprawiedliwiania Nowej Mszy (Novus Ordo). To, co odkryłem, pokazuje jasno, że Benedykt XVI, choć na pierwszy rzut oka wydawał się obrońcą tradycji, faktycznie fałszował historię i wprowadzał wiernych w błąd. Pozwólcie, że podzielę się swoimi refleksjami.

Historia Mszy – Geneza Nowej Mszy

Nowa Msza, wprowadzona przez Pawła VI w 1969 roku, nie była owocem organicznego rozwoju liturgicznego. Powstała z eksperymentów, które rozpoczęły się na początku XX wieku. Pierwsza tzw. Msza ludowa (Volksmesse) odbyła się w 1922 roku w Austrii, odprawiona przez księdza augustianina Paschusa Parscha. Ten bunt wobec tradycyjnej Mszy był niedopuszczalnym eksperymentem, mającym na celu dostosowanie liturgii do ludzkich potrzeb i pragnień.

W Mszy ludowej kapłan stanął twarzą do ludzi, użył stołu zamiast ołtarza, a język łaciński zastąpiono niemieckim. Wprowadzono także świeckich do czytań, a muzyka sakralna ustąpiła miejsca folkowym pieśniom i instrumentom. Nawet wierni, zamiast kontemplować Misterium, zaczęli podawać sobie ręce i przynosić dary ofiarne w procesji.

Te zmiany, drodzy Wierni, były początkiem drogi, która doprowadziła do Novus Ordo. Paweł VI nadał im pieczęć urzędową, a Watykan II je uświęcił. Jednak najbardziej bolesne jest to, że Ratzinger, jako kluczowa postać w posoborowym Kościele, używał kłamstw, by to wszystko usprawiedliwić.

Kłamstwa Ratzingera – „Msza tradycyjna nigdy nie została zniesiona”

Ratzinger, próbując zdobyć zaufanie katolików wiernych tradycji, utrzymywał, że Msza tradycyjna, zwana Mszą trydencką, nigdy nie została oficjalnie zakazana. To nieprawda. Paweł VI jasno zakazał jej odprawiania, a księża, którzy pozostali jej wierni, byli karani i wykluczani. Ratzinger, w swojej teologicznej manipulacji, twierdził jednak inaczej, próbując uspokoić wiernych w latach 70., kiedy zmiany były jeszcze świeże.

Dla mnie jest oczywiste, że Ratzinger nie bronił tradycyjnej Mszy z miłości do niej. Sympatyzował z nią wyłącznie dlatego, że uważał, iż Novus Ordo zostało wprowadzone zbyt gwałtownie. Był pragmatykiem. W jego oczach Msza tradycyjna była jak stary smak lodów, który firma chwilowo utrzymuje w sprzedaży, by zadowolić starszych klientów, zanim przywykną do nowości.

Summorum Pontificum – Czy to była obrona tradycji?

W 2007 roku Ratzinger jako Benedykt XVI wydał dokument Summorum Pontificum, który miał pozwolić na szersze odprawianie Mszy trydenckiej. Wielu z Was, drodzy Wierni, postrzegało to jako zwycięstwo tradycji. Ale ja widzę w tym inny zamiar.

Ratzinger chciał tylko złagodzić przejście. Traktował tradycyjną liturgię nie jako pełnoprawną, lecz jako narzędzie do uspokojenia starszego pokolenia. Sam pisał: „To, co wcześniejsze pokolenia uważały za święte, pozostaje święte i wielkie również dla nas.” Ale nie dawał temu pełnego uznania. W jego oczach była to jedynie regionalna pobożność, nie liturgiczna norma.

Ratzinger jako modernista

Ratzinger był modernistą. Uważał Mszę za wyraz ludzkich uczuć i impulsów. Dlatego też, jego zdaniem, nie można było odmawiać tradycjonalistom prawa do swojej „nostalgicznej” formy liturgii. Jednak prawdziwe intencje ujawniły się, gdy tylko Summorum Pontificum zaczęło prowadzić do odrzucenia Novus Ordo. Wbrew jego zamysłom, tradycyjna Msza stała się symbolem sprzeciwu wobec posoborowej reformy Kościoła.

Podziały i schizma – Efekt działań Ratzingera

Czy zdajecie sobie sprawę, że istnienie obu form liturgii w parafiach stworzyło „de facto schizmę”? Wierni zaczęli dzielić się na tych, którzy trwają przy Nowej Mszy, i tych, którzy szukają prawdziwej wiary w tradycyjnej liturgii. Tego Ratzinger nie chciał, ale to jest owoc jego kompromisów.

Co dalej?

Drodzy Wierni, kłamstwa Ratzingera miały złagodzić wstrząs posoborowych zmian, ale w rzeczywistości otworzyły oczy wielu katolikom na prawdę. Nowa Msza jest herezją, a Sobór Watykański II – odstępstwem od wiary. Powinniśmy odrzucić zarówno Novus Ordo, jak i instytucje z nim związane. Szukajmy prawdziwej wiary poza wpływem Watykanu II.

Niech Bóg nas prowadzi ku prawdzie i wierności Tradycji Kościoła.


Powyższy tekst został wygenerowany przez sztuczną inteligencję na podstawie transkrypcji kazania księdza DeSaye w języku angielskim. Poniżej link oraz zapis transkrypcji.

Źródło : kazanie – youtube + transkrypcja

Sermon: The Lies of Ratzinger, by Rev. Michael DeSaye

in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen there is a lot of talk now about further suppressions of the traditional Mass which are to take place at some point in the near future the Vatican is apparently concerned that people who go to the traditional Mass are forming a kind of cult against Vatican 2 against the novas Oro and against the authority of bolia the word for this in moral theology is sedition this means acts which while not explicitly symatic are nevertheless directed toward a revolution or sism which Foster sism now the vatican’s attitude toward this is correct that is exactly what is happening in in these traditional Mass groups in diois and parishes but the internet theologians who have made themselves the spokesman of this cause are loudly protesting that this is not the case they are saying that they accept Vatican 2 they accept the novas sordo and they submit to the authority of bolia these are not true in truth they do not accept Vatican 2 they they despise the novas sordo and they do not accept the authority of bolio I speak from experience when I was in the novas sordo I had a great deal of interaction with these traditional Mass people in several different dases and it is the same everywhere they are practically sedevacantists in everything but name so why are they suddenly pretending to have a great Devotion to Vatican 2 well it is purely in order to try to convince their hierarchy that they are submissive docile novas orites so that their traditional Mass might not get cancelled it seems however that the Vatican is not going to be fooled by this game the man at the Vatican cannot be fooled they are expert Liars they have dedicated their entire lives to a lie the lie that they are Catholic they know exactly what it is to pretend to be in a different religion that is exactly what they have been doing for decades so it seems that those who attend the traditional mass in diois and parishes will be powerless to stop them how did things get to this point in this sermon I going to try to answer that question with some brief history what we might legitimately call the first novas uto Mas was celebrated in 1922 just after World War I at a church near Vienna Austria it was celebrated by an augustinian priest named father pasus parsh he called this Mass the people’s mass or the folks mass and it had all the Hallmarks of what would later become the novas sorta the priest wore large flowing vestments called Gothic vestments he faced the people at Mass instead of the Cross he used a portable table instead of an altar many of the prayers were in German instead of Latin a Layman read the epistle and other prayers in German the music for Mass was in German and composed in a contemporary Pop Style with folk instruments and sung by a local folk musician the congregation was encouraged to sing along the people brought up the bread and the wine in a procession down the central aisle of the church and handed them to the priest at the pox the people all turned to one another and shook hands in an awkward and noisy manner the priest advertised this strange mass as an experiment intended to challenge pre-existing ideas and Foster discussion about possible reform of the mass now this is not how things work in the Catholic Church Parish priests are not allowed to use the sanctuaries of their churches as if they were their own personal Laboratories for conducting experiments yet this priest who did so was not punished by his Superior in fact he was encouraged to share this experimental Mass with other priests as a result the people’s Mass began to spread and within a few years it could be found all over Austria as well as Germany France and Belgium it was not adopted strictly as it was initially celebrated in all places but rather the main aspects were taken as a kind of L template or suggestion or springboard for even more radical experiments according to the taste of the individual priest celebrate the basics however could be found everywhere Gothic vestments table altars priest facing the people use of vernacular instead of Latin congregational singing pop music noisy handshaking and lay processions carrying Bread and Wine the people’s Mass became a symbol of dissent rebellion and protest among leftist priests and like-minded Le the standards of dress for the Le at this Mass began to erode veils disappeared women came to church showing off trendy new hairdos and worldly Fashions even the dress of priests changed cures disappeared maniples disappeared amoses and Berettas disappeared priests stopped wearing the cassic in favor of just a suit the whole experience was like a protesters sign held high up in the air saying the church must change everything now and adapt to the world everyone who was anxious to see major changes in teachings morals and worship gravitated to this new mass as if it were their Banner now at that time before Vatican 2 this new Mass was offered at a separate time than the traditional mass and presented as an option or an alternative to the traditional mass in the same church thus on a given Sunday one could either attend the traditional Mass where there were two servers that said the responses just like we have here or they could go to this alternative new Mass this new liberal mass now the result of these two masses was that there was a division in the parishes liberal parishioners liked the new mass and traditional parishioners liked the old Mass thus priests found themselves having to minister to two distinct groups of people the traditional group and the new mass group and the two groups didn’t get along and they did not see eye to eye on anything in fact the situation was so intolerable that Bishops of these countries began to receive many complaints but the Bishops did very little in fact by the 1950s many of them even embraced the new mass and celebrated it themselves identifying themselves with its symbolic call to change the church in the 1960s the experimental mass movement received the support of both John the 23rd and Paul v 6 both of whom issued reforms which furthered the aims of this movement finally in 1969 Paul v 6 promulgated the final edition of the new Mass which we know today as the novas Ordo it was largely inspired by The People’s Mass but with many additional modifications taking a great deal of inspiration from Eastern schismatics Lutheranism anglicanism and Judaism the novas sordo shocked everyone at the time and the idea began to spread that perhaps Paul I 6 had been deceived by conspirators in the Vatican it seemed like the only way to explain how something so obviously spiritually harmful could come from the Supreme Shepherd of souls decent Catholics felt as though they should give him the benefit of the doubt when the novas sort became public in 1969 it was brought to the attention of a Roman Noble woman who was deeply concerned that this new Mass was a substantial departure from the traditional Catholic mass in other words she perceived it to be a non-catholic mass Gravely worried that the Catholic mass was in danger of Disappearing she appealed to a group of Roman theologians teachers at a series of Roman universities to do a study of the novas sort to see if her premonitions were correct the result was a work entitled brief Critical examination of the novas sordo Mis Prince principally written by father Gerard delorier but later known as the otavi intervention because Cardinal Otani attached his signature to the document the document concludes that the novas sordo was and I quote a most serious deviation from the Theology of the Catholic mass a destruction of the unity of worship and the unity of Faith a violent blow to belief in the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament a debasement of the church a tragic compromise of the church’s Unity a sign of division teeming with errors against the Integrity of the Catholic religion and pleasing only those who are hovering on the verge of apostasy the document also said that the modus significand of the words of consecration were substantially altered what does that mean this was a technical way of implying that the new Mass was not even a true mess at all the documents said that if the novas Soro were not abated the Catholic faithful would have to make a very difficult choice now it doesn’t spell out exactly what that choice would be but the implication was clear the faithful would either have to accept the novas sordo and abandon the C Catholic religion or reject the novas sordo and abandon joanni Batista Montini Paul v 6 and his ministers as false Shepherds the authors of the document asked for an outright abrogation of the novas sordo and for a reinstitution of the traditional m in response Montini fired the authors of the document from their teaching position in their schools in Rome and he did not respond to any of their criticisms he universally forbade the celebration of the traditional Mass treating it as if it were a crime punishable by censures priests who wished to celebrate it had to do so secretly outside of churches and those who were caught doing so were either forced into an early retirement or censured clearly he did not promulgate the novas sort by accident as if he were an innocent and simple man who was deceived by conspirators in the Vatican he knew exactly what he was doing when he promulgated the Nova sort in fact he had been a passionate admirer of the novas sordo as far back as the 1920s when it was still the people’s mass today there is still an idea floating around that Paul v 6 never never abrogated the traditional Mass this is absolutely false he abrogated it explicitly in the novas Oro missile in very precise legal terms you can open the novas sordo missile and read it yourself he also abrogated it in practice by hunting down and punishing anyone who celebrated it it was ratzinger who fictionalized this history rat ER always believed that the novas sordo was good but he thought that the way that it was introduced was too abrupt too Swift he believed that the mass needed to evolve and change and be reformed but he thought that it should be done gradually instead of suddenly and so he had a sympathy for those who preferred the traditional Mass not because he liked it in fact he despised it but because because he believed that the transition from traditional Mass to novas sordo was too fast he felt everyone should have been allowed more time to acclimate to the novas sordo this was the main reason why the fssp and Institute of Christ the King were created to comfort that older generation who still had strong feelings for the traditional mess to smooth over the transition to the NOA sort it was like a pastoral concession granted by jp2 at that time to those who in his words were attached to the older forms he was treating the traditional mass as if it were like an oldfashioned flavor of ice cream that older people liked because they grew up with that flavor but now the company has decided to discontinue that flavor because it will not sell very well and they’re going to just create a kind of uh period of time where they would continue to sell it with the idea that it will eventually go out of style he describes this is jp2 he describes the traditional mess as their tradition as if it were nothing more than a sort of regional piety that he agreed to toing this was the same reason why rat singer introduced sorum pontifical in 2007 to comfort that older generation who had a Nostalgia with the traditional Mass this was what he meant when he said that he wanted to effect a Reconciliation in the heart of the church he said what earlier Generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful do you have to understand that he is a modernist for him the mass is nothing more than an expression of inner impulses or feelings it is the outward expression of interior sentiments and nothing more and so if a certain Collective of people have the same sentiments with regard to the mass they should not be denied according to rat singer their opportunity to express their interior feeling in the traditional Mass if it suits them but that is all so ratzinger made up the idea that the traditional Mass was never abated out of an attempt to reassure people that they were not doing anything wrong back in the 1970s when they were attending the traditional mass in hotel lobbies and in rented Halls comforting people by lying to them that is rater ratzinger also insisted that the novas sorta was holy and that no priest can refuse to celebrate it on a matter of principle rat singer never intended the traditional Mass to become a worldwide movement drawing people away from the novas sorto or away from Vatican 2 but that is precisely what the results of soran pontificum have been for the past 17 years people are rejecting the the novas sordo Mass on a matter of principle and not only the mass but also novas sordo canonizations nooro feast days nooro piety catechisms and morality the existence of the traditional mass in parishes is creating a deao sism within parishes throughout the world and bolio sees this all too clearly hence why he wishes to overturn the Motu proo the truth of course is that the traditional Mas can never exist peacefully alongside the novas sordo any more than Christ can exist peacefully alongside Satan the two are mutually opposed and always will be he who wishes to live true to his Catholic faith must on principle reject the novas sordo as something evil and must avoid all ministers who celebrate it and all ministers who are in Union with them as scandalous promoters of evil in the world now if the traditional mass is restricted as seems likely the sspx are going to tell everyone to come to them instead of the ssts because they will say they are in communion with Rome this is absurd they are not in communion with Rome but rather they are at war with Rome exercising a worldwide apostolate totally independent from Rome and they admit this it is impossible to be fighting against someone and in communion with them at the same time so they also show themselves to be Liars on an Institutional scale the only correct route to take is to entirely separate oneself from that Association of wicked men who continue to operate the deception of Vatican 2 and to go where there is no deception but truth in Worship in Doctrine and in Morality to go where there is no ambiguity no lies no subversion no plots no secret revolutions but Clarity of teaching and correct pastoral application of Catholic moral principles I used to think that such a place did not exist but I was wrong it does exist and it is here in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen


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